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How to Subscribe to the 2025-plus Transit Calendar
There are lots of ways to view and/or subscribe to calendars. Depending on your device, it's capabilities, and it's security settings - one way may work better for you than others.
Logging into your Google account and subscribing to the Transit Calendar from your Google account is the easiest and best way to approach this. Google will keep the transit data separate from your other appointments, but allow you to see them all at once if you want to.
1) Login to your Gmail or Google Account.
2) Click the following link after logging in:
3) Click the "Add Calendar" button.
You can also choose Import from the sidebar and give it this ID:
If for some reason you don't want to use the Google account method, here is the local device method:
1) Create a new calendar in your Calendar app. Then import the calendar ical/ics formatted file into that calendar. If you skip this important step, the calendar will import into your daily calendar. To undo that - you will have to delete the daily calendar.
By creating a new, separate calendar - you can control when and where you see it, and delete it easily if you need to.
2) Import into the new calendar you just created by clicking this link or this:
You can save the calendar as a local file on your device or cloud drive, and import from there.
This will allow the device to adjust to your timezone. Logging into Google and subscribing from there has the same effect.
Again, here is the Google calendar id:
For more control over the calendar: create a new calendar in your Calendar area. Then import the calendar ical/ics formatted file into that calendar.
The ical/ics method works well with Apple products and many other calendar programs.
More iOS/iPhone/Mac help:
For reference - 2025 Calendar ID: